Another mummer's farce gone by (and more rumors of wogs and dragons)
/I overheard an old guy ranting something in what sounded a lot like the common tongue of Westeros (Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones). Readers of the books, at least, if not possibly watchers of the show, ought to be able to follow his curious ravings as well as I recall them. Maybe he was just telling tall tales. Who knows? I'm pretty sure this is what he said:
Source: Konrad S. Graf (on our Earth, called Vaduz Castle)Now that they've done with their mummer's farce, they'll be expecting the rest of us to bend the knee. Stags, lions, it makes no matter in the end. We've heard much and more of kings of late, but the wolves and crows have the right of it: winter is coming. Most like, this time, we'll be walking hip-deep in royal pieces of paper! You can't feed a babe with paper, whatever they're like to tell you in King's Landing.
I also heard tell that the new king doesn't even use a headsman anymore. Now he's turned to sorcery! His wogs enter the spirits of dragons, swoop down and burn the king's enemies, anyone, anywhere. Just give a nod to a wog is all he has to do. Aye, a fearsome thing if true!
Nothing good can come of it though. I remember Ned Stark always swore that if a lord were going to execute a man, it ought to be by his own hand and only after hearing the man's last words with his own ears. Nowadays, just a nod.